
Ready to make an appointment?

Just a Few Things First...

Before making an appointment with Dr. Jones for your consultation, there are a few things you need to know.

You need an up-to-date teeth cleaning!

We require teeth to be cleaned at a dental office within the past 6 months before we schedule a consultation. If you’ve done this already, perfect. Please proceed. 🙂 If you haven’t, hurry to your dentist and then get back to us!

Want braces covered by a Medicaid-affiliated insurance company?

Unfortunately, we are not providers for Medicaid, Medicare, CMS, or Florida Kid Care. If you have one of these insurances and would like to be seen at our office, we are more than happy to see you, however please be aware that all expenses will be out of pocket for you. We do offer payment plans, but if you are looking to have your braces covered by a Medicaid-affiliated insurance, we recommend you call the orthodontic residency clinic at the University of Florida (at Shands Hospital). Their telephone number is 352-273-5700.